
Diversity & Inclusion

この取り組みを通じて目指すゴール: Goal:

Developing inclusive products and services

Diversity and inclusion in the company


Plans for Initiatives

There is more diversity in the world than any of us can imagine. Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion or creed, neurological characteristics, physical ability, ethnicity, nationality, race, and age are just a few of a countless number of diverse backgrounds people can have.
Mercari intends to realize a world where no one's possibilities are limited by their background, and everyone is able to have transactions with everyone else, having the means to create value freely. To that end, Mercari Group strives to develop inclusive products and services. And in order to develop products and services that are easy to use for as many people as possible, the people building them must be diverse, and the company must have a culture of inclusion. That is why we focus on diversity and inclusion inside the company as well, considering diversity beyond what meets the eye—promoting Mercari’s take on how to achieve D&I.

Revision ideas
There is more diversity in the world than any of us can imagine. Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion or creed, neurological characteristics, physical ability, ethnicity, nationality, race, and age are just a few of a countless number of diverse backgrounds people can have.

Mercari intends to realize a world where no one's possibilities are limited by their background, and everyone is able to have transactions with everyone else, having the means to create value freely. To that end, Mercari Group strives to develop inclusive products and services.
And in order to develop products and services that are easy to use for as many people as possible, the people building them must be diverse, and the company must have a culture of inclusion. That is why we focus on diversity and inclusion inside the company as well, considering diversity beyond what meets the eye—promoting Mercari’s take on how to achieve D&I.

Mercari's Diversity & Inclusion


Strategies for Initiatives

    Developing inclusive products and services

    - Held study sessions, etc. about product accessibility, inclusion, and international standards
    - Initiatives for Customer Service: Currently running a project to rewrite all user-directed CS messages in “Yasashii” Japanese, which is Japanese easy to understand for people who don’t speak it as a first language
    - Initiatives under marketing strategies
    - Revised brand guidelines (Added D&I checklist for marketing content)
    - Built processes for reviewing marketing strategies from a D&I standpoint, and made the reviews mandatory
    - Held in-house study sessions for implementing D&I in our marketing
    - Now considering a feature for Mercari Web that allows users who find it difficult to use a mouse to navigate the site with simple keystrokes, such as the Tab key
    - Conducting interviews with users who have low vision or color blindness
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