Our Structure for Promoting ESG

In order to better incorporate ESG perspectives into management decisions and execution processes, Mercari established an ESG Committee in December 2021 to advise our Senior Executive Committee. We have also appointed ESG officers for each of our material topics. Having these officers offer an ESG perspective in business-related management decisions allows us to balance our businesses and materiality-focused ESG initiatives, and ensures a structure that allows us to swiftly implement and promote these initiatives.

ESG Committee

Mercari considers ESG to be an important management topic. The ESG Committee aims to ensure sufficient time for regular discussions regarding ESG in order to enable better discussions and enhance the quality of decisions made by the Senior Executive Committee. With Mercari Representative Director and CEO Shintaro Yamada as chairperson, this committee is composed of the CEOs of each Mercari Group company, as well as ESG officers and other members nominated by the chairperson. They meet about four times per year to formulate ESG-related implementation plans and monitor progress on each of the material topics.

Meeting topics:

  • ・Material topics and targets
  • ・Implementation plans for each material topic
  • ・Progress on each material topic and any necessary adjustments
  • ・Structure and responsibilities for promoting and implementing ESG
  • ・Policies regarding disclosure of ESG-related information

ESG Data

ESG Data

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