ESG Data

ESG Data

E (Environment)

Material Topic

Empowerment of Individuals and Society

Empowerment of Individuals and Society

Mitigating climate change

Targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

By June 2030
Scope 1+2: 100% reduction
・Scope 3: 51.6% reduction of added value-related emissions

Progress / Actual Amount of Emissions in FY2023.6 (July 2022–June 2023)

Scope 1+2: Reduced by 70% (office running 100% off of renewable energy)
・Scope 3: Reduced the intensity of scope 3 emissions by 32%

By 2030, we aim to reduce scope 1+2 emissions by 100% and emissions related to added value for scope 3 by 51.6%. Compared to our benchmark year (FY2021.6), we were able to reduce scope 1+2 emissions by 70% and the intensity of scope 3 emissions by 32%. Leading up to 2030, we will reduce emissions overall for scope 1+2 and the intensity of emissions related to added value for scope 3.

Amount of Emissions in FY2023 (July 2022–June 2023)

(Units: t-CO2)
FY2021.6 FY2022.6 FY2023.6
Scope1 100 192 207
Scope2 678 1,006 645
Subtotal (Scope 1 + Scope 2) 787 1,198 852
Scope3 Category 1 Purchased goods and services 37,578 39,508 35,803
Category 2 Capital goods 1,362 2,818 1,794
Category 3 Fuel and energy activity 125 161 127
Category 4 Transport and shipping (upstream) 63 110 104
Category 5 Waste generated from doing business 34 33 35
Category 6 Business trips 272 564 1,143
Category 7 Employee commuting 69 140 262
Category 8 Lease assets (upstream) 1,428 1,585 1,576
Category 9 Transport and shipping (downstream) Not applicable Not applicable 4
Category 10 Processing of sold products Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 11 Usage of sold products Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 12 Disposal of sold products 84 45 31
Category 13 Lease assets (downstream) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 14 Franchises Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 15 Investment Not applicable Not applicable 2
Subtotal (Scope 3) 41,015 44,962 40,811
Total (Scope 1+ Scope 2 + Scope 3) 41,802 46,162 41,732

Energy Consumption

FY2022.6 FY2023.6 Unit
Electric Power Consumption 1,642,028 1,480,190 kWh

S (Social)

Material Topic

Building Long-Term Public Trust

Building Long-Term Public Trust

Unleashing the Potential in Diverse Talent Worldwide

Unleashing the Potential in Diverse Talent Worldwide

Mercari Group employee data for FY2022.6

Basic information ● Consolidated headcount1 2,101 people
● Age ranges 20s: 22.2% / 30s: 57.1%/ 40s: 18.3% / 50s: 2.2% (Average age: 35.6)
● Average annual salary 10,357,750 yen
Diversity-related information ● Percentage of female employees 32.9%
● Percentage of women in management positions 20.4%
● Percentage of female directors2 30.0%
● Pay gap seen between full-time male and female employees3 37.5%
● Pay gap seen between male and female employees that cannot be explained3 7%
● Percentage of employees in engineering positions Overall: 36.3% (Men: 89.4%, Women: 10.6%) (Foreign nationals: 53.8%)
● Number of nationalities of people working at the Tokyo office Approximately 50
● 全Percentage of employees of foreign nationality 25.7%
● Initiatives encouraging inclusion Team dedicated to promoting D&I / Team dedicated to translation and interpretation / 
Unconscious Bias Workshop / Yasashii Communication Training
Information regarding childcare leave and paid holidays ● Usage rate of annual paid holidays4 85.0%
● Percentage of male employees who take childcare leave4 91.4%
● Average number of days of childcare leave taken by male employees4 80.5 days
● Percentage of employees who feel re-acclimated to the company 12 months after returning from childcare leave (by gender)4 Overall: 83.3%
(Men: 31 people, or 83.8%; Women: 14 people, or 82.4%)
Helping employees demonstrate results as professionals ● Skills development programs for employees ・Leadership training
・Problem-solving training
・OKR training
・New manager training
・Evaluation feedback training
・1-on-1 training
・Project management training
・Lunch & Learn
・Mercari’s Values
・Career development training
・Interviewer training
・Coaching training
・Dedicated language education team
・English education programs
・Japanese education programs
Scope of disclosure: Full-time employees and contract employees of Mercari, Inc.
1. Includes Mercari, Inc., Souzoh, Inc., Merpay, Inc., Mercoin, Inc., Kashima Antlers F.C. Co., Ltd., Mercari, Inc. (US), and Mercari Software Technologies India Private Limited
2. Subject to approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held in September 2023
3. Target: Full-time employees of Mercari, Inc. (including employees seconded to Group companies)
4. Includes full-time employees, contract employees, part-time employees, and interns at Mercari, Inc.

G (Governance)

Material Topic

Building Long-Term Public Trust

Building Long-Term Public Trust

Information Disclosure Based On the TCFD Recommendations

Information Disclosure Based On the TCFD Recommendations

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