
Mercari Certified as Eco-First Company by Ministry of the Environment

Mercari, Inc. (“Mercari”) announces that it has been certified as an Eco-First Company under the Ministry of the Environment’s Eco-First Program.

The Eco-First Program aims to enhance environmental conservation efforts by the business sector. To be certified as an environmental leader within their industry, a company must pledge to the Minister of the Environment voluntary commitments to achieving environmental goals.

As part of its certification, Mercari has pledged the following Eco-First Commitments to the Minister of the Environment.

Mercari’s Eco-First Commitments

  1. We will aim to create a circular economy in which finite resources are used with care.
  2. We will carry out initiatives toward creating a decarbonized society.
  3. We will drive education and the fostering of culture toward creating a circular economy, and aim to cultivate the future creators of a sustainable society.

Read the full text of Mercari’s Eco-First Commitments here: https://www.env.go.jp/guide/info/eco-first/assets/pdf/c92_com.pdf (available in Japanese only)


Through its business and corporate activities, Mercari will continue to contribute to realizing a society where all forms of value can be circulated and the potential of all people can be unleashed.

Mercari Group’s Sustainability Strategy

Mercari strives to be a planet-positive company that contributes to solving environmental and societal issues through its business activities by realizing a society in which all forms of value circulate seamlessly.

In 2023, a report calculating the positive impact of Mercari’s business on carbon emissions revealed that an annual total of 530,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions were avoided across Japan and the US through Mercari Group’s combined business activities in both countries. In Japan alone, users avoided approximately 43,000 tons of apparel waste (by weight) by listing items they no longer needed on Mercari. This is equivalent to approximately 9% of the total 480,000 tons of apparel thrown away annually in Japan. Going forward, Mercari will strive to do its part in creating a circular economy by continuing to take action to promote reuse and provide alternatives to throwing items away.

Reference: “Mercari Works with the University of Tokyo to Calculate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Avoided through Transactions on Mercari” https://about.mercari.com/press/news/articles/20230808_u-tokyo_positiveimpact/ (available in Japanese only)