IR Policies

IR Policies

Basic Disclosure Policy
Mercari, Inc. (hereafter referred to as the Company), will act in accordance with rules on the timely disclosure of financial instruments and exchange as stipulated by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other relevant laws and regulations. Our basic IR policy is to disclose information that may contribute to the valuation of our business and investment decisions carried out by stakeholders, including our stockholders and investors, in an accurate, fair, and timely manner.

We will endeavor to disclose all information that could be deemed beneficial to understanding the Company.
Disclosure Methods
For information required to be disclosed under the timely disclosure rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, information will be disclosed on the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and also published in securities reports, quarterly reports, and on EDINET—an electronic disclosure system operated by the Financial Services Agency. All information disclosed will be promptly published on The Company' s website.

In the spirit of timely disclosure, it is our policy to also disclose information that is not covered by these rules, and ensure that it is disclosed in an appropriate, prompt, accurate, and fair manner.
Quiet Period
In order to prevent the leakage of financial result and ensure fairness in the disclosure of information, The Company observes a “Quiet Period” that begins the day after the quarterly closing date and ends on the day quarterly financial results are released. During this period, we refrain from commenting on or answering inquiries related to our financial results.

However, if during this period an important matter that could have a considerable impact on the investment decisions of investors should arise, such information will be disclosed accordingly.
Our Future Outlook
Information posted on The Company website, news releases, and questions answered during Q&A sessions at financial results meetings and analyst briefings may contain information related to the outlook for our future results, plans, strategies, etc. This kind of information may be uncertain, contains the potential for risk, and by no means guarantees our future performance.

Please be aware that our actual performance is determined by a number of different factors, and as a result may differ to what is detailed in our outlook.
Dealing With The Spreading of Rumors to Influence Stock Prices
We will not comment on inquiries regarding the spreading of rumors with the intent to influence our stock price.

However, if we deem that leaving such rumors undealt with may have a significant impact on the Company, we will take swift action to identify the cause behind such rumors and deal with them as necessary.
  • Disclaimer regarding unsponsored American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
    Mercari does not support or encourage a creation of unsponsored ADRs facilities in respect of its securities and disclaims any liability whatsoever arising out of an unsponsored ADRs program. Mercari does not represent to any depository institution or bank, nor should any such entity form the belief that Mercari's website contains all published information in English, currently, and on an ongoing basis, required to claim an exemption under Rule 12g3-2 (b) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934.