Building an information security management organization
In order to drive information security measures encompassing the entire company, Mercari Group has established an Information Security/System Risk Committee with the CEO as the person ultimately responsible for information security. We also assign a person responsible for information management in each company to ensure appropriate policy decision-making regarding resources and allocation. Through this, we have built an organization that can carry out information security measures swiftly.
Safely managing user information
To prevent unauthorized access, destruction, falsifying, and/or leakage of user information, Mercari Group strives to safely manage user information by carrying out strict safety management measures, supported by our internal regulations and an organization dedicated to safety management.
Using and managing cloud services
Mercari Group always strives to create the best possible environment to provide our services, including cloud environments. When we use overseas cloud services, we ensure that all services are appropriate and safe, and we carry out strict management measures internally before using them.
Retaining your personal information
In order to continue providing our services, Mercari Group will retain your personal information for as long as you have an account with us. If you delete your Mercari account, we will continue to retain your personal information for a designated amount of time afterwards in order to comply with the relevant laws and ordinances and handle any inquiries or issues that may arise. Throughout the entire time, Mercari Group will make sure to retain your personal information in strict accordance with the necessary laws, ordinances, and guidelines, including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.