
Mercari Obtains Level 3 Eruboshi Certification for Promoting Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Mercari, Inc. (“Mercari”) announces that it has met all five evaluation criteria and obtained the top rating, Level 3, of “Eruboshi” certification, a certification based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life.

Under Mercari Group’s mission to circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people, Mercari strives to create a fair and inclusive environment in which all Mercari members respect their fellow employees with diverse backgrounds from all over the world regardless of gender and work together to unleash their potential.

What is Eruboshi certification?

Eruboshi certification is a certification based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life. It is awarded to business operators who formulate and submit general employer action plans and who meet certain requirements, such as excellent implementation of initiatives regarding the promotion of women’s participation and advancement in the workplace. There are five evaluation criteria: hiring, continued employment, workstyle (work hours, etc.), percentage of women in management positions, and diverse career paths. Recipients are certified as one of three levels based on how many of these evaluation criteria they meet.

Mercari’s initiatives to promote women’s participation and advancement in the workplace

Process KPIs for candidate pools

In order to increase the percentage of women in management positions, we have defined KPIs for diversity in our hiring, appointment, and promotion candidate pools. By focusing on the process rather than the results, we ensure that we provide equal opportunities to diverse talent in hiring and promotion.
Analysis conducted over a period of approximately two years shows that our process KPIs roughly correlate with the percentage of women hired, promoted, and appointed to management positions.
As a result, the percentage of women in management positions and the percentage of women in Mercari’s Board of Directors are both increasing. We appointed four women as new outside directors in September 2024, raising the percentage of women directors to 58% and ensuring diversity in our Board of Directors from a gender balance perspective. 

Source: FY2024.6 Impact Report


Merci Box

Merci Box is a benefits package introduced in February 2016 in order to ensure that all of our diverse employees can Go Bold and give 100% in their work. We provide monetary gifts to employees returning from childbirth/childcare leave, financial support for fertility treatments, financial support for non-certified daycare, financial support for daycare for sick children, life insurance for all employees, and more. In May 2021, we also implemented financial support for egg freezing and financial support for early childcare on a trial basis as additional measures to support pregnancy and childbirth; these benefits were later officially added to the benefits package.


Mercari will continue to strive to be a workplace where diverse talent can thrive and create a world where all people can unleash their potential.